Here’s the final Dogs Of Chinatown poster. I tried to get more people on the poster but we felt like it was crowding the poster and the composition was so strong before. Big thanks to Justin Reich for hooking this up. We will be working on the dvd box art soon so my plan is to have a row of characters somewhere on the back that should represent most of the main people in the film. A new myspace page will be coming soon which will feature single character photos, sort of a rogues gallery since no one in the film is really innocent. We will be working on a new trailer and an electronic press kit to help get the word out about the film. Crimson Wolf has been in talks with a few companies about the film so hopefully we’ll get good news there. I think Japan is very interested and I know they had interest from Russia and Germany. Once we have everything put together then we will really push to get this film out all over the world. I think the film and poster both have an international appeal and should serve us well for distribution possibilities. Now we just have to finish it up. Micah is about half way through the film and we have already started to schedule ADR so I will be in touch with a lot of you actors this weekend to start scheduling time for you to come in and record your dialog. We will also have our composer, Chris Hurn getting started very soon. I’m really excited to see what he’ll do for us. Micah, Andy and myself are all hard at work trying to get the film knocked out. Since it’s Thanksgiving, I just wanted to say how appreciative we all are for everyone who’s worked on this film and we look forward to getting you all involved in future projects.
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