Endpoint Security
The endpoint security systems of today are designed to detect, evaluate, block, and contain attacks that are in progress quickly and at high frequency. Historically, such methods have been limited to individual machines. But as the Internet of Things and embedded controllers become the building blocks of Internet-connected devices and services, the ability to stop attacks earlier has become even more critical. This conference is an opportunity to learn more about three systems that can be deployed today to protect an endpoint in the real-world, as they are also endpoint security systems you can get to protect your systems.
Expected topics of this online talk:
The goal of the talk is to go through an overview of three edge security systems designed to provide a simple and effective way to stop an attack on your endpoint, and prepare your system to detect, prevent, and respond to attacks on it in the future. These systems, including Symantec’s CTB Freezone, Cisco Systems’ Integrated EdgeOS Protection, and IBM’s SecurID, ensure that your endpoint security continues to serve you and continues to help you protect your organization and people from the growing number of cyber attacks that can be waged today against your network.
What you’ll get from the talk:
Detailed information on the processes and technology behind three EdgeTower Security products that enable your business to stop attackers in the middle of their attack path, help prevent attackers from acquiring your credentials, and help you detect and respond to attack attempts. You’ll learn how you can use these security tools to help stop attacks quickly and easily in a highly secure, enterprise-wide, cloud-based environment.
About the speaker:
Vicky Chen is a manager in the IT operations group at Symantec. Ms. Chen oversees the Symantec Global IT Operations group, the global IT support operation, Symantec’s SecurID technology portfolio, and various IBM products.
What is SecurID?
SecurID is Symantec’s solution to protect your networks. Symantec’s SecurID service is a cloud-based, multi-factor authentication service that authenticates users for a number of services including corporate email, SMB servers, administrative control panels, and more. Using the Symantec SecurID service, all clients have an easy and effective way to protect their network credentials from unauthorized use, while still maintaining a clear advantage in the secure authentication of email users.
Does SecurID help to protect you from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks?
Yes, SecurID products are especially well suited to help protect against these attacks. With Symantec’s SecurID authentication service, you get a well-integrated experience that can prevent a wide range of forms of cross-site scripting attacks.